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So, what’s the deal with high fructose corn syrup? People talk about it a lot. Some say it is horrible for your health while others claim it is fine. But do you know what it actually is? Without stepping into the controversy, I’ll explain what it is exactly and how it is different than regular corny syrup or sugar for that matter. (

Why do you do the things you do? Everything you do has a reason. You go to school to learn and you go to the doctor get healthy – right? Well, what if the reason you THINK you do things isn’t the real reason? I want you to listen to Robin Hanson an associate professor of economics at George Mason University and author of the book, The Elephant in the Brain.  He explains that often the reason we THINK we do things is not the reason at all – and why it is important to understand all of this.

I bet you’ve wondered how good a memory your dog or cat has. How long do they remember an event or a command or the last time you played with them? Listen and I think the answer will surprise you. (

You might think etiquette is kind of an old-fashioned concept with little relevance in the 21st century. But you’d be wrong to think that. Etiquette is as valid today as ever – maybe more so. Thomas Farley, editor of  Modern Manners: The Thinking Person’s Guide to Social Graces, answers some common etiquette questions people have about social media, weddings, cellphones and more. His website is

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Source for story about corn syrup vs high fructose,

Amazon link for Robin Hanson book, The Elephant in the Brain:

Source for story about animal memory:

Amazon link for Thomas Farley book, Modern Manners: The Thinking Person’s Guide to Social Graces:

Thomas Farley’s website is

Robin Hanson
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Thomas Farley
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